Structure of my Dissertation
Here is my first plan for my dissertation. I understand that some of the things I have planned to discuss may be cut out in the final edit (there is a lot of information to unpack) which I am fine with since I have gone into quite a lot of detail when logging my research on my blog. This means nothing has been wasted- even if pieces of research don’t make it into the dissertation, they’ve furthered my understanding of false memories so will mean I can write with more accuracy. Before uploading this plan onto my blog, I got some advice from my tutor on how to ensure I go about my dissertation in the right way. Most importantly, I took from this advice to not waste my words- don’t become too descriptive and don’t simply walk through everything I’ve done in the project. I needed this as I am very inclined to being ‘waffley’ when writing. I need to take a reflective tone and really show how everything I’m writing is vital in answering my title....